When looking at shared office spaces, it can be difficult to visualise how much space you’ll need. Looking at a photo and being given the number of square feet or square metres of office space doesn’t really help you get a picture of how much space you’ll actually need. This has been further complicated by the hybrid working revolution, where employees valuing an office environment want to combine the office with partially working from home. So how much workspace per person in an office do you need?
Many London office spaces operate on a rule of between 70 and 80 square ft per person purely because of the cost of rental property, however, those choosing to work close enough to London for convenience but outside the capital such as in shared offices in Surrey or Hampshire can afford to be more generous with their office space per person.
Health and Safety recommendations state that ‘the total volume of the room, when empty, divided by the number of people normally working in it should be at least 11 cubic metres’ but that this shouldn’t take into account areas such as meeting rooms or facilities.
Office space per person when you have hybrid workers
Obviously, this only applies to those in the office, and with more people choosing hybrid working you could potentially save space if you’re organised. Many people want set days – especially parents or those with external commitments – and so making sure you’re aware of which days your team members means you can optimise space as well as maintain an organised team.
Offices available in Surrey
If you’re looking for office space in Surrey but you’re not sure what you’re looking for, get in touch with SEND Business Centre for more information about flexible and affordable contracts for businesses near Woking.